Start Your New Career In Healthcare TODAY!
What Makes Us Different From the Rest?
Affordably priced tuition and payments plans
Achievable Entrance Testing
Minimum Pre-requisites
Low Teacher to Student Ratio
Local Training Center
Job and Career Transition Assistance
Accelerated Day and Evening Class Schedule Options
All programs offered at LHTI have the following basic Entrance Requirements:
- State Issued Photo ID
- High School Diploma, Transcripts or GED
- Hepatitis B Vaccination
- 2 Background Checks (Clinical/MBON Requirement)
- Current Physical
- PPD (Tuberculosis Test) or Chest X-ray
- Pass Drug Screening
- CPR Certification
- Current MMR Immunizations Report
- Flu Shot (during flu season)
- Negative Covid-19 Test
- Registration Fee $500 - This includes registration fee, text books, and tuition deposit
Lexington Healthcare Training Institute can provide these services on site. There are additional entrance requirements for our Continuing Education Programs.

To get started, call LHTI at (301) 456-4122 to make an appointment with our Academic Enrollment Coordinator (AEC) or click Pre-Registration to submit your information and our AEC will help you get started!
Call now to speak to an advisor at (301) 456-4122